How to Protect Your Vehicle From a Total Loss

How to Protect Your Vehicle From a Total Loss

Catalytic converter theft can lead to devastating outcomes, including the total loss of vehicles. Insurance companies often declare vehicles a total loss if the repair costs surpass the car's current market value. This is particularly common with older models like early-generation Toyota Prius (2001-2015) and late '90s to early 2000s Honda Accords, where the replacement cost of catalytic converters can exceed the vehicles’ worth.

However, determining a vehicle's value based solely on market price overlooks the true worth of older, dependable cars cherished by millions in the U.S. The modest compensation from insurance, often just a few thousand dollars, pales in comparison to the hefty price tags of new cars, now averaging over $47,000. Owners of older vehicles typically value them for their reliability and cost-effectiveness and may not be in a position to invest in new models.

At Miller CAT, we understand the stress and helplessness vehicle owners feel when repeatedly targeted by thieves. This vulnerability drives our commitment to developing top-tier deterrents to protect your vehicles. As a U.S.-based manufacturer working closely with OEMs, we take pride in enhancing vehicle security for as many owners as possible.

Hearing from customers about how our products have prevented their vehicles from being declared total losses is truly rewarding and it’s the reason why we work hard to design as many shields as we can. By choosing Cat Shield by Miller CAT, you regain peace of mind, knowing you're safeguarding not just a car, but your freedom, confidence, and financial investment from the threat of catalytic converter theft.

Here's what some of our satisfied customers have to say about how our products helped them prevent potential total losses:

Wish I had bought it sooner
"I was considering buying the MiilerCat Shield for my son’s Tacoma when he called me to tell me his catalytic converter had been stolen. So the theft forced the decision. $2,600 to replace the stolen cat, plus several days without the truck - Catalytic converters are on back order due to high theft. Ordered the MillerCat online and I think it arrived in less than three days. Installing it in the Tacoma is very easy - it helps that the Tacoma is easy to get under (which also makes it an easy target for the thieves). It took less than 30 minutes to install. Very easy. Installed it with my son - it’s easier to install with two people, unless one has a way of holding the Shield while setting the screws. The shield is SOLID. Very solid, well built, easy to install and will definitely shield the cat from an easy cut and remove theft. If you haven’t bought one yet, you should. Don’t be like me - buy it BEFORE they steal your catalytic converter. You will save yourself a lot of money, time and aggravation. Great product."

Solid Product
"Heavy duty and Solid product. After having all 4 cats stolen off my previous vehicle, this cat shield gives me peace of mind. I travel, stay in many hotels, and often in higher crime areas. Very happy with the purchase."

Peace of mind
"After just waiting for it to be my turn to have my cat stolen (my neighbor has lost 2 off his Scion Element!), I’m feeling some real relief knowing I’m not next! Thanks!"

Nice product
"Easy to install and looks nice too. Gave me the piece of mind I have missed since my cat was stolen a couple of years ago"

Peace of Mind
"After hearing that a friend paid $4,000 as a result of having his converters stolen, I didn't sleep well. So, I decided that spending $750 for the stainless steel main and rear shields would buy me some peace of mind. After installing, I am sleeping much better now. The fit and quality was great. It looks so nice, it's a shame you have to crawl under the truck to see it."

Fits Perfect - Peace of Mind
"After having our cat con stolen twice in 2022, we picked up a new one but were afraid to put it on, lest it get stolen once again. Millercat came out with this one just in time for us to install it and the new cat and get the car SMOG tested for it's next, upcoming renewal date. Fit perfectly. Took less than a half hour. On my back, under the car on front ramps. Just read directions carefully and use pictures for reference. (Pictures could be better. Maybe in color.) Now, I'm not worried about parking anywhere while shopping or dining and having the cat stolen in two minutes flat."

Great Product!
"The Cat Shield arrived quickly; minimal assembly required; and straight-forward installation. This is how every consumer product should be, but I'm a dreamer. I was a little hesitant about spending the money for the shield, but not long after I installed my new Cat Shield, I heard on the news that police recovered dozens of stolen catalytic converters from several wrecking yards in the next county over. Nothing can prevent all thefts, but this Cat Shield is a great deterrent to thieves that would otherwise cut the pipes and getaway quickly."

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