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With more and more catalytic converter theft, converter theft prevention and shield awareness is growing and people want to know how effective these anti-theft devices are before investing in one for their own vehicle. This is understandable since depending on the make and model of the vehicle, catalytic converter shield costs can be pricey. However, when considering the cost of replacing a catalytic converter and the effectiveness of catalytic converter shields, a shield is a worthwhile investment. In short, catalytic converter shields work and protect your vehicle. High-quality converter protection devices like Cat Shield™ by Miller CAT make it difficult for thieves to cut through. The added time and effort it takes to tamper with the 304 stainless steel shield can deter would-be thieves from targeting your vehicle in the first place.
With more and more catalytic converter theft, converter theft prevention and shield awareness is growing and people want to know how effective these anti-theft devices are before investing in one for their own vehicle. This is understandable since depending on the make and model of the vehicle, catalytic converter shield costs can be pricey. However, when considering the cost of replacing a catalytic converter and the effectiveness of catalytic converter shields, a shield is a worthwhile investment. In short, catalytic converter shields work and protect your vehicle. High-quality converter protection devices like Cat Shield™ by Miller CAT make it difficult for thieves to cut through. The added time and effort it takes to tamper with the 304 stainless steel shield can deter would-be thieves from targeting your vehicle in the first place.
Some vehicle models are not as attractive to converter thieves. Vehicles whose catalytic converter contains less valuable or fewer precious metals often get overlooked, such as non-hybrid Ford vehicles, Mazda, and Chevrolet. Age can play a role, too. Automobiles manufactured before 1974 are least likely to have catalytic converters stolen because they were not installed during this time. Electric cars are not at risk since these cars rely on electricity for power rather than fuel, eliminating the need for reduced emissions and catalytic converter installation.