In today's world of technology, the landscape of car security continues to rapidly evolve. The good old days of simple lock and key just aren't enough anymore. Thieves have now developed tactics to hack into cars through the headlights and take complete control over the entire vehicle.
What Is CAN Bus Theft?
CAN Bus theft, also referred to as car hacking, involves breaking into a vehicle's Controller Area Network (CAN) Bus system. This system acts as the vehicle's brain linking various Electronic Control Units (ECUs) that control various features of the vehicle such as the engine, safety features, and infotainment systems. Thieves can exploit specific vulnerabilities in the CAN Bus to take control over a vehicle's critical functions such as the engine, brakes, steering, and drive off with little to no resistance.
How Thieves Hack Into The Can Bus
Thieves have found that if the vehicle’s CAN Bus is easily accessible, they can then find ways to hack into the vehicle. Unfortunately for many car owners, your vehicle’s headlights provide an easy access point for thieves. Once inside, they can manipulate the CAN bus to start the engine, deactivate the immobilizer, and bypass the keyless entry system, effectively controlling the entire vehicle. For example, thieves are using a simple hacking device disguised as a JBL speaker with jumper cables attached to it to gain access to a vehicle’s CAN Bus.

Securing Your Vehicle Against CAN Bus Theft
Understanding the threat of CAN bus theft is the first step toward protecting your vehicle. Below are actionable tips to enhance your car's security:
Employ Physical Deterrents: Use traditional anti-theft devices, such as steering wheel or pedal locks, to physically dissuade thieves.
Choose Secure Parking: Park in well-lit, busy areas or secured garages to lessen the chances of physical access to your vehicle's CAN bus.
Stay Informed: Educate yourself on the latest security threats and car theft tactics. Knowledge is a powerful defense mechanism.
Miller CAT’s Solution: The CAN Bus Shield
As vehicles advance over time, becoming more connected and integrated with digital technologies, the tactics used by thieves become more sophisticated which makes it that much more important for vehicle owners to educate themselves and stay one step ahead.

In response to these growing attacks, Miller CAT has introduced a new CAN Bus Anti-Theft Shield specifically designed to deter thieves' attempts to access a vehicle's system through its headlights. By securing the communication channel that the headlights provide to the CAN Bus system with Miller CAT's CAN Bus Shield, safeguarding your vehicle against these attacks have never been easier.
Vehicle owners are constantly reminded that while technological advancements lead to new challenges in the landscape of vehicle security, innovation within the industry continues to offer various solutions to protect against them with Miller CAT leading at the forefront. By staying informed, embracing new protective measures, and integrating devices like the Miller CAT's CAN Bus Anti-Theft Shield, you can significantly reduce the risk of becoming a victim of this modern form of theft. In doing so, you're not just protecting your vehicle; you're also safeguarding the peace of mind that comes with knowing your vehicle is secure, both physically and digitally.
For more information, be sure to check out the latest CAN Bus Video on the Miller CAT YouTube Channel and get #MCPROTECTED today!