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Most Popular Cars for Catalytic Converter Theft


Last Updated: July 11, 2024

Worried about catalytic converter theft? The likelihood may depend on your vehicle type. According to Carfax's latest data, Ford F-150 and Ford Explorer models are increasingly targeted by thieves across the nation.

Why Are Catalytic Converter Thieves Targeting My Car?

There are 3 ways to tell whether your vehicle might be at risk for catalytic converter theft:

  1. The amount of precious metal in your vehicle's catalytic converter.
  2. Ease of access to your car's catalytic converter – pick-up trucks and vans are a popular target for thieves stealing catalytic converters due to their easy undercarriage access.
  3. Opportunity – even if your car isn’t lifted, if you don’t have basic security measures in place, you could be a target for opportunistic thieves.

Catalytic converters of low emissions vehicles like hybrids, such as the Toyota Prius, contain larger amounts of the precious metals such as platinum, rhodium and palladium in order to meet the strictest emission standards. Additionally, vehicles like the Toyota Prius have more than one catalytic converter, giving thieves a greater payday for less work. While not all hybrid vehicles have converters that are loaded with precious metals, thieves may assume this to be the case and target hybrid vehicles.

Trucks and SUVs are also common targets of catalytic converter theft because they are raised higher off the ground, providing easier access to the underside of the vehicle. This makes it easier for thieves to climb underneath and remove the converter.

Is Your Vehicle A Magnet For Catalytic Converter Thieves?

While it may be hard to believe, luxury cars with expensive cat converters aren’t necessarily the most popular targets for thieves – although that does play a small role. Owners of cars on this list should be aware of where they are parking at all times. Data indicates that a large volume of thefts also occur at fleet companies, where many cars are parked in one spot.

Carfax's 2024 updated list for the most targeted vehicles in the United States are as follows:

  1. Ford F-150
  2. Ford Explorer
  3. Honda Accord
  4. Toyota Prius
  5. Honda CR-V
  6. Chevrolet Equinox
  7. Toyota Tacoma
  8. Kia Soul
  9. Chevrolet Traverse
  10. Chevrolet Cruze

    Catalytic Converter Theft Ranked By Region

    Top Vehicles Targeted in the West

    1. Toyota Prius
    2. Honda Accord
    3. Toyota Tacoma
    4. Subaru Forester
    5. Honda CR-V
    6. Ford F-150
    7. Ford Explorer
    8. Subaru Outback
    9. Toyota Camry
    10. Kia Soul

      Top Vehicles Targeted in the Northeast

      1. Honda CR-V
      2. Honda Accord
      3. Ford F-150
      4. Ford Explorer
      5. Toyota Camry
      6. Chevrolet Traverse
      7. Subaru Outback
      8. Subaru Forester
      9. Hyundai Tucson
      10. Honda Pilot

        Top Vehicles Targeted in the South

        1. Ford F-150
        2. Ford Explorer
        3. Kia Soul
        4. Honda Accord
        5. Toyota Tacoma
        6. Ford Expedition
        7. Chevrolet Traverse
        8. Dodge Journey
        9. Chevrolet Silverado 1500
        10. Chevrolet Equinox

          Top Vehicles Targeted in the Midwest

          1. Ford F-150
          2. Chevrolet Equinox
          3. Honda CR-V
          4. Ford Explorer
          5. Chevrolet Traverse
          6. Buick Encore
          7. Chevrolet Cruze
          8. Chevrolet Trax
          9. Kia Soul
          10. Toyota Camry

            How Can I Protect My Vehicle?

            If your vehicle is on this list, follow these tips to protect yourself against catalytic converter theft.

            1. Whenever possible, park in an enclosed garage, ensuring your vehicle is out of sight from criminals and difficult to access.
            2. If you can't park in an enclosed garage, park in a well-lit area or install security lights. There are fewer things thieves hate more than being visible, so for those without access to an enclosed garage, this will greatly reduce your chances of being a target.
            3. Park fleet vehicles in an area that is well-lit, locked and alarmed. Despite fleets being a major target for catalytic converter thieves, reports state that the lowest number of thefts come from locked, alarmed garages, even if the fleet consists of high-value targets like Toyota Prius catalytic converters.
            4. Install a Cat Shield. The number one theft prevention measure you can take to reduce your risk of catalytic convertor theft is to install a shield over your catalytic converter. This makes it extremely difficult for thieves to gain access to the parts they typically saw through to remove a catalytic converter. We've made it easy for you to search by VIN or by using your make/model/year. All of our shields are made specifically for your vehicle and are secured by patented security screws. Most of our shields are complete bolt-on installation, which means there's no drilling involved. If you have any questions about fitment or vehicle compatibility, feel free to reach out to us at or give us a call (408) 510-5224.Now that you know the most popular cars for catalytic converter theft, hop over to our next blog post to understand the reasons why people steal catalytic converters.

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